
so my boyfriend and i broke up. he was first love and i lost my virginity to him. i met him 4 years ago when i was 15 and he was 18. he hit it off and became friends. about a year in to the friendship we started talking like forreal. and a few months later we were dating. we were together 2 and 1/2 years. we changed one the years. the love was still there but other things got in the way.

(things happened when i was way younger) well he would get mad at me for not wanting to have sex every time we saw each other. which would make me mad. we argue all the time. and recently we got in to a big argument over the stupidest thing. and i left him bc he was making it all about him. he would always do that in an argument. he would make me the bad guy and say it was my fault.

was i wrong to leave him?? i need advice. ASAP