Settle my mind

Somebody reassure me! I got an iud at the end of October, the paragaurd because I have a sensitivity to hormones. Anywho, all weekend I’ve felt like crap in general and in some pain. This morning I woke up to my boobs hurting like hell and swollen and vomiting on and off for an hour. Absolutely no fever and after that hour I’m still a bit nauseous but so far no more emptying of the nonexistent contents of my stomach. Also tried to check the strings of my iud and they’re either higher up where I can’t reach or I just missed them, I’m denying the chance they aren’t there. Still very slim chance it failed though, right? I’ll be taking a test later today but even then I don’t have good history with tests. With my first I didn’t get a positive test of any kind until the end of the first trimester. Our twins are still babies (9 months) and we are sooo not ready for another baby right now. I mean if it is the case we will make it work but in all honesty I got the dang birth control for a reason! On top of my pcos and very very rarely ovulating on my own, only time it’s happened was with our first any other time was with fertility treatments and only two of the three took with the second ending in a miscarriage and the third our twins.