
I went to my doctor today because I had unprotected sex with a new partner a few days ago and from the minute it happened I felt like something was wrong. I have been freaking out that I may possibly contracted an STI/STD despite my partner saying they’re clean. My vulva hasn’t felt quite alright since having sex and while it’s been a really long time since I’ve been intimate. I have never felt this kind of discomfort... ever. I self examined and it felt as if I was bruised inside. So began freaking out because duh my thoughts went straight to an STI/STD. I got tested for everything but I still have to wait until Thursday to get my results. It feels similar to a yeast infection but not quite. So I made my way over to the GYN and begged to be seen. My doctor examined me, did additional tests and when we got down to it he told me my IUD IS EXPELLED. This is literally my worst nightmare. I went through so much pain for so long with my IUD it only began calming down last October. I spent ten months with 10+ day periods and excruciating cramps. I was so happy when it finally settled in and started regulating. I only had it for 13 1/2 months. I’m so disappointment because this was the biggest decision I ever made regarding my body and I don’t think I’ll be making the same decision twice. My doctor asked if he should remove it and I was hesitant because I thought it would be painful but it was nothing. I would really like another one but I’m too scarred from the pain, and emotional turmoils from last time. This just sucks overall because I feel so vulnerable now ... although I’m not intimate with many people. It just backtracked me tenfold. I feel better but I’m still waiting on my test results. I can’t believe my IUD was going to fall out any day now. If you feel like something is up! Go get checked out!