Need a confidence boost

I don’t understand how my boyfriend finds me attractive😕 like I’m ok with the way I look and I don’t hate my appearance but I’m plus size and realistically i think my body is generally unattractive and unappealing especialLY naked so I really don’t understand how my boyfriend can be attracted to it🤔 he is a normal weight and he said to me once that he sees beauty in every girl of all all shapes and sizes but still I’m really struggling to see how it is possible. Like for me personally I’m not really attracted to plus size guys in general so it doesn’t make sense to me. Also he’s never actually called me beautiful/pretty/hot/sexy etc. Just sometimes says “you look nice” which makes me think he doesn’t actually think I’m attractive and he’s just taking what he can get🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️

(Btw I’m not trying to say plus size people are unattractive bc that’s definitely nOT true, I’m just talking about me personally here)