Born at 40+6

Audz ☺😉 • Mother of five... Son '00 daughter '05 b/g twins '16 son born Feb 10 '18

So... By term+5 I was feeling completely over being pregnant... lo was due on the 4th Feb. I had been eating vindaloo curries every evening for about two weeks and nothing. A lady at my twins nursery said to me that when she was overdue she ate curry and then straight after she had a lot of pineapple... I said that I would try that, which I did, woke up with contractions at 1:15am... I waited to see if they were regular and called the hospital when they were every 6 minutes and lasting about a minute and a half... They told me to wait until they were 5 minutes apart... My cousins arrived at 5am to look after the children while my husband and I headed to the Labour ward as I refused to wait due to the intensity. When we arrived they thought that I wasn’t in labour and started monitoring baby and contractions. When they checked, my cx was 7 cms dilated. They broke my waters and then everything happened so quickly afterwards. I was at 10 cms and four pushes later he was born. Thank God for pineapples! My sweetie prince Dayyaan made his way into the world at 9:12am weighing 7lbs 2ozs 💙💙💙