So irritated


I don't know if I should post this here, but it's a pretty long rant so..

Basically I've talked to my boyfriend and shown him The Truth About Vaccines on YouTube and we've come to the conclusion that we're not vaccinating our son, his family is very against this and i know that most people will suggest I show his family Vaxxed or The Truth About Vaccines but in all honesty I really don't think they're in the head space to retain the information provided in those videos, I do plan on showing them when I see them being more open minded. Before boyfriend was okay with not vaccinating he told his mother what I wanted to do, who then proceeded to tell the entire rest of the family, I really really wish he wouldn't have told her because i feel like it should have stayed between us, but whatever nothing I can do about it now🙄

Anyway to get to the point of this post, his mom was recently diagnosed with herpes type 1&2 so we told her that she can't be kissing our son, which to me is just common sense, so of course she goes crying to his sister and brother and anyone else that'll listen saying we're just trying to mean😪 and now we've got his side of the family mocking us saying "Oh no kisses too many germs (which isn't the reason!) but no vaccines please!" And it's just irritating because we're doing both of these things (no kisses from her and no vaccines) cause they're BOTH potentially dangerous!!

I'm so frustrated, like isn't it kind of obvious that if you have herpes you shouldn't be kissing babies?