Just need to rant...

I don’t know what love feels like, but I know I reaaaalllyyy reeeeaaaaallyyyy like this boy to the point where I’m questioning If it is love. Everything he does makes me smile and he’s so cute it’s annoying!!! Whenever I even see him in the hallways my heart skips a beat like girl get a grip!! However, I don’t think this boy even feels the same way about me and if he does he’s not very good at showing it. We text alllllll the time, sometimes even until the very early hours of the morning. Our conversations are always so genuine and nothing ever feels too forced, it’s easy with him. I know I’m probably just being a dramatic teenage girl when I say this but it’s literally eating me alive knowing that he probably doesn’t feel the same way and never will. I try to let myself just go with the flow and whatever happens just happens....but that doesn’t really work when you overthink everything!! He’s all I can think about which I hate and love at the same time. I mean how can you not think about his gorgeous blue eyes!?!? Ugh I hate myself!!! Why can’t I stop feeling this way?!?!