Helicopter hubby


First time momma here! Due in May with our baby boy. I am 28 weeks tomorrow. I started at 125 lbs and lost 3 during all my morning sickness. I weighed myself this morning and am 133.5 lbs. I am only 5.2, so I was in the ‘normal’ BMI range to start. I feel like I’ve been doing everything right.

I drink a lot of water (8-10 cups a day)

I eat every 2-3 hours (small healthy snacks)

I eat between 1500-1800 calories a day (which is what was recommended by my OB).

I also have been staying active; walking and yoga 5 days a week. And I was active before getting pregnant.

My hubby is very concerned I’m not gaining enough weight. I even spoke with my OB about it and she says everything is great and to not worry. He was there when she said it too! He means well, but he’s driving me nuts!

Anyone else having the same experience? If so, how did you handle it?

Thanks in advance! 😙