HELP!!!!! Please help me !!!

Gracie • God does his best work behind the scenes ⭐️⚡️⭐️⚡️⭐️

I have this friend and he figured out that I like him and this was a while back and we talked but we decided to be friends and then he dated this girl and I i was there for him and all and he was like your right about her bc she did some bad things and then there was another girl and this just happened recently she blocked him while they were dating g Because he didn’t txt back ( he couldn’t bc he was helping his mom) so she lost it and did that and broke up with him ☹️ and I was there for him through that to and the hardest part is that girl is best friends with one of his friends named Ryan and he is now dating that same girl right after they broke up 😧! And he said he isn’t mad at Ryan bc he is his bro ( friend) but he is pretty upset about the girl and mad ! And I feel soooo bad for him and wish I could do something 😖 but I don’t know what to do and yeah ...... I still like him 😒😞 but I want to be friends bc that’s the best thing for rn and I’m not aloud to date so can anyone give me advice please !!!???!!!