TTC need prayers


I had my first miscarriage in December 2017. My doctors have done ultrasounds and checked my ovaries and uterus and told me I should have no problem conceiving and carrying a baby full term. This miscarriage wasn't just devastating to be. It was devastating to my 4 year old daughter. She was so ready to be a big sister and asks me everyday when a baby will be in my tummy.

I track my period on this app every month so I can track my fertility. I realized that if I conceived this month I would be due in November. November 7th is the birthday of my best friend that was killed in a car accident in 2011. That made me curious, so I went on several websites that let you determine when you conceived based on your due date. So I typed in my friends birthday and found that my last period as well as when this app determines me to be most fertile, which is almost always spot on match up exactly with dates on the websites. Conceiving this month and having my due date land on my best friends birthday would be amazing. I don't want to get my hopes up in case it doesn't happen, but I'm praying it does happen. Praying for my rainbow baby. ❤🙏🏻