Relationship advice

I’m 16 years old and I started dating this boy on march 2017,we saw each other everyday because we went to the same school but when that school year ended we moved schools because they closed the school down. The thing is that we used to be really sweet to each other (good morning/goodnight texts, said I love you a lot, called each other “babe/baby” ect.) and as time has passed we stopped doing those things, now we text each other back like 1-3 hours later and we ignore each others texts,you can see on sc the last time someone was active so I can see he was ignoring me and I do the same thing too because well.. you get what you give🤷🏻‍♀️ We don’t see each other because our parents don’t let us date & they don’t let us go out with friends either (he’s 16 too) and I feel like that’s the reason why we’re so distant.. well thats the reason. I’ve only seen him 2 times since school ended on may 2017 (I saw him on June & November). I broke up with him because I was tired and I didn’t see a point on keeping our relationship but he said he misses everything & that he had dreams about me and stuff but he continues to text me back late. It breaks my heart because he was so sweet before & he talked about me to his friends saying how lucky he was, he called me beautiful.. He was super sweet but I feel like things won’t be the same anymore.. I love him but I’m exhausted, I don’t want to keep playing games. Maybe we’re too young and not mature enough to have a relationship, I’m confused and I don’t know what to do..