Can you feel moment you conceive?


Okay outside what all the text books, doctors, OB’s tell you— do you think it’s possible to feel the moment you conceive (not implantation- but when egg and sperm met and pregnancy happens)

Does anyone have any magical stories to share when you possibly felt conception?

My husband and I have a 12mth old together and trying to ttc are 2nd together

I have had 2 back to back miscarriages- I like to believe I’m intune with my body or maybe I’m just wishful thinking

I’m in my fertile week right now, last night we had sex and I woke up like at 3:30am with the oddest feeling ever - so hard to describe the feeling but I haven’t ever felt this before that I can recall

Hence why I’m asking if you think it’s possible

Again outside the text books, doctors, OB say- - I’m a nurse and get all that you can’t feel anything until implantation, etc if your lucky enough to feel that

Anyways— very curious to hear what you possibly experienced if you felt you did feel moment you convinced because I would like to believe miracles happen and sometimes blessed to feel it

Just hoping for my rainbow baby


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