Chemical Pregnancy


Hello everyone i thought let me ask you guys and take suggestion what i have been going through... December 2016 i had a miscarriage at 9 weeks and 5 days.. and then we started planning again in August 2017 .. Beginning of this month my breast were tender and i thought may be i m pregnant so i took pregnancy test on the day i was suppose to get my periods (2/5) and i saw faint line... i got happy and excited but since it was a faint line i did my test again next day and test came negative and my periods started on 2/7... first day of my period i was having bad cramps and i was bleeding lot and i had big blood clots coming out 😕😕... i read online they says it is a chemical pregnancy which is a early miscarriage happens at 4 or 5 weeks of your pregnancy...

Now i am more nervous what is gonna a happen am i ever gonna a get pregnant??? 😿😿

Does anyone know how long does it take again to get pregnant after you have chemical pregnancy????