TTC for 7 months.


For as long as I could remember, I wanted children. I would stay up late as a kid dreaming what my life would be like with children and still to this day I’m still dreaming. My husband and I have been married since July of 2017. And have been trying to conceive since. I always that it would be an easy process, but it’s really not. I have went through tons of pregnancy tests, tissues, and stress. They say not to stress, but you can’t help it. Sometime I feel like I’m putting a lot of pressure on myself and my husband. And it makes me feel like a horrible person. I want to be able to experience morning sickness, peeing 24/7, heart burn, etc, all the things that come with pregnancy. But the longer I TTC, it makes me feel like I’m running out of time. I want people to stop asking me if I’m pregnant yet, because it only makes it worse for us. Makes us feel horrible for not being able to conceive yet. I see all these women having children and I’m so happy for them but also jealous. What I’m asking for is encouragement and advice for this process. God bless.