Hurt by my Boyfriend

So... last week my boyfriend and I were talking and I told him I've always kinda hated Valentine's Day cause I've always been along for it. He told me I wouldn't this year, that he'd take me out, and all this wonderful stuff, I was so excited.

Well he never brought it up again... so Monday I asked him if he had plans.. he said work ended at 4:30 and he had a class from 5-10.

I told him "oh I thought it was later" and he got weirdly defensive and I explained I thought it was 5:30. I thought it was late because we have hung out pass 5 on days his schedule is like that.

He also asked if today I was free and alone after 5 today. I said not alone, but if he wanted to he could properly meet my roommates, one walked in on us having sex, and he said sure! Talked about meeting them, hanging out. 4:40 comes along and I ask if he's coming by around 5. No because he has work tomorrow.

We've been a thing for a year. He's talked about proposal, our future, but he keeps pushing of things that don't involve sex and it honestly upsets me. I know he loves me but he's so damn Sex crazed idk what to do