Finally ready!

Kyrieanna • 23 years old, mommy to two!

I think I can finally put into words the amazing experience that was my birth story!

On October 1st I woke up to a leaking of pink fluid and I knew right away it was my water, however the doctors denied that it was my water and sent me home. This kept happening for 6 days, and the leak wasn’t slowing down, they did the swan test which came back positive for amniotic fluid and they did the fern test which can easily be messed with if there is to much mucus (which I was also passing) and blood. On the Saturday, after my families thanksgiving I went back to the hospital but before leaving my husband stole a handful of the swabs! The next day at 4am I woke to a hush of fluid (this was normal at this point) I went to the bathroom and swabbed, it was positive, but because I had been sent home so much I just went to bed, this repeated until 2pm. My mom came to drop off treats for my husbands family because it was their thanksgiving! I told my mom about the positive swabs and she insisted she take me in, I allowed her to take me because I figured I’d be home in time for dinner. WRONG. They did all the test and confirmed I was leaking fluid, yay!! And that since it had been leaking since Monday we were jumping right into IV induction, they blew a vain trying to induce me, but finally started the induction at 5, my contractions started at 9:30 I tried laughing gas but my contractions started at a minute and a half long and a minute and a half apart and it was unbearable so I got the epidural. The epidural helped for an hour before my body was progressing to quickly and I felt all my contractions in my vagina, at 1:04 they checked me because I felt like I had to poop and I was 9cm, they rolled me on my side to have another contractions and at 1:05 it was time to push! Pushing didn’t hurt at all, and by 1:12 Aria Liza Lee-Marie was here at 6pounds 9ounces and 18” long! I had a 1 degree tear that didn’t even extend into the muscle. So my labour and delivery was a piece of cake!

Newborn Aria

Aria today at 4 months old 💕