I feel like my dr is overreacting. What do you think?


Sorry for the lost post lol

So when I was 15 weeks, i started bleeding. Had one big gush of bright red blood and then just spotted the rest of the day. Along with bad cramping Friday-Monday. That was on a Saturday. So Monday morning I called my dr office and they wanted me to come in. By Monday the sporting had completely stopped. We did bloodwork, vag and regular ultrasound, complete work up, and figured out I have marginal placenta previa. Which probably caused me to bleed (I was doing some pretty heavy lifting st work when I started bleeding.)

He put me on a lifting limit no lifting over 20 lbs (both my toddlers weigh over 20 lbs) and put me on bed rest and pelvic rest. And I have to go back every 2 weeks because now I’m “high risk” Bed rest caused me to lose my job. No bleeding since then (about a week and a half ago), just cramping if I overdo it. But the ultrasound and bloodwork looked fine, baby is great, placenta is great (just in a bad spot, cervix is fine.

I really feel like he’s overreacting. I am home alone M-F with my 4 and 1 year old (husband works out of town) and really have limited help with housework and stuff. I want to follow drs orders but geez, my laundry basked weighs 20lbs, and groceries, and bending and cleaning literally all day every day. Eh idk. What do you guys think.

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