Got AF:(

Muñoz • Have one beautiful daughter... and an Ángel baby and trying for our Rainbow 🌈 baby..

I was hoping that this month would be the month I got a positive test, how wonderful would of that been sharing the news with my husband today:( But no I got AF yesterday and it was early.... I try to make myself believe that I’m ok with getting my AF and that next month will be the month but it’s starting to get harder and harder to stay hopeful. I cried all last night just wondering why I have to keep trying if I could of just kept my baby I could be taking care of my precious baby instead of crying myself to sleep... My heart is so broken and at times I’m not sure how I could ever fix it. It’s been 7 months since I lost my baby and as I’m getting to feel better, I fallback to asking myself all the questions that I can’t seem to find answers to... I just want my baby and it seems like it’ll just never happen:( I ask God if having another baby isn’t meant for me/us then take the desire out of my heart and help me find peace with it. I just needed to let all this out.....