Tips for oversupply/forceful letdown?


Hi ladies,

I'm 2 weeks PP and I had used a nipple shield for about a week because my LO was damaging my nipples and they needed a break while she worked on her latch. I don't use it anymore but now she eats SO fast. She will take several tries to stay latched because she'll immediately pull off with a mouth full of milk. Then I just hear constant gulping the whole time she's eating (only about 10 minutes, I alternate boobs and she's already surpassed her birth weight so I know she's getting enough) so I don't think it's just the letdown, or maybe she just sucks very strongly I'm not sure. Then I can hear/feel gas and fluid moving through her and it just seems uncomfortable. I can usually get her to burp and she poops plenty but seems to strain a lot and be fussy at night. She has been pinching my nipples to control the flow a little and we've been to an LC and are working on it. I only nurse in football hold and I lean back as much as I can. But sometimes it seems like she can't comfort nurse because the milk just won't stop coming. Then she'll be fussy so I'll nurse her again but she'll eat too much and spit up. I think some of this is normal but I was just wondering if anyone had tips to make it easier on her. I haven't started pumping quite yet because I don't want to produce even more, and my LC said not to block feed because my supply is still regulating. Thanks!