Kinda worried!?

Okay I’m so sorry to be one of those people but I’m still a little new to this whole birth control thing. My boyfriend and I have been together for awhile and are older so it’s not life or death if I am pregnant but I’m just not sure if I am or not. I am on Nuvaring but entered another one in right away after taking out the other one and so of course my boyfriend cums inside of me. He has many times starting like 2 weeks ago. Like how long after having sex can you tell if you’re pregnant ? A lot of places online just say “since you’ve missed your period” but i skipped it so it’s hard to know. Can you have symptoms of pregnancy without testing positive? I’ve taken two tests but I’m having a lot of fatigue, cramps, discharge, hunger, & lower back pain (also super hormonal & having breakouts.. with 3 weeks until period is due) Maybe I’m just paranoid tho!?