Sex in boarding school

Righttt settle down it’s a story time👏

I’m 14 and I go to a state boarding school w guys n girls and day students. I have a bestfriend n luckily we in a 2 dorm now cuz wellll let’s say the 5 dorm didn’t work out😴

There was three girls (let’s call them I,O and P) and they was all acting tough. One of them was from London and was acting all big and tough with her Gucci sliders and shiz. One was blonde hair, blue eyes with a rich ass family. One was new and went to a nearby shit school and was doing drugs.

This school be rated ‘Outstanding’ by ofsted and I kinda like it tbh. But the people in itt🤦‍♀️😩😒

‘O’ has a new guy from the year above and it’s her 9th one at the school… Me n my bestf dorm is right next to the stairs and to get anywhere we have to go down them and through this other corridor thing to get out. Wellllllll not the best design ever.

Evry day after school we go straight upstairs until one day we where slightly disturbed HOW THEY WHERE ALL SUCKING ‘O’s BOYFRIENDS DICK IN THE WEIRD PUBLIC CORRIDOR THING!! Like it was normal. So we walked in and they were like ‘don’t mind us’ and wiped their mouth and carried on moaning.

my poor eyes and ears