Overprotective lengthy

I’m really over protective when it comes to my 10 month old being around my mother in law his grandma. She’s an alcoholic. All she wants to do is spend time with him like babysit and be alone with him. I won’t let her unless it’s at my house. I feel like I’ve ruined our relationship. Or I’m depriving him from a relationship with her. But I can’t leave him alone with her shes never done anything to the other grand kids but I can’t risk something like her passing out and him finding something and choking. I’ve offered for her to come to our home and watch him even told her to come over and visit. I’m at a loss idk what to do with her I’ve even told her this but I think she forgot to be honest. Like even when I’m around I get nervous with her holding him. She still treats him like a newborn and he’ll be 11 months in 2 weeks..