Love life issues- help

Yesterday was Valentine's Day and my boyfriend who I loved with all my heart broke up with me.

It was so unexpected and I've just lied in bed since it happened crying. I can't stop crying. I miss him so much and I don't think I'll ever stop missing him.

I'm only 16 and have had breakups before but never like this I really thought we would last for a long time, and was thinking about the future a lot.

I can't even be angry at the boy because he's such a good person and did not want to hurt me, breaking down when he told me. That makes it worse cos I can't even be angry at him because he is such a genuine person.

Not only this but taking A levels at the moment is stressful and I have a lot to do. This is adding to the pressure- i'm behind and might get kicked out of sixth form. I have a good friendship group but they all have boyfriends and they all come first. My mum is also on at me to get a job as I have no money to buy anything.

He said it wasn't me but I can't help feeling like it was. I'm not very confident and I fully opened up and trusted him, now I feel broken. I can't stop feeling like this, I have an urge to hurt myself. How do I stop. Someone please give advice.
