on letrozole

Sarah • endosister💛

okay ladies. i’m confused and could use some advice. i posted on here probably a week and a half ago some symptoms i was having and that AF was late (and she’s NEVER late). all of the HPTs came back negative as well. the day after i posted that AF showed her ugly face. i was in bad, bad shape. i have endometriosis and i’m on letrozole (aka femera). apparently the letrozole causes severe side effects during your period. so anyway, i had my period. short little 4 day journey with heavy bleeding and debilitating cramps. so it ended saturday, sunday i started the letrozole. yesterday, at 8 DPO, i had a tiny bit of spotting. i wouldn’t even call it spotting really, it was more of a pink hued lotion like CM. i had horrendous cramps yesterday too and now this morning i wake up with nausea from hell. so really, i’m just confused and wondering if anyone else had this problem with letrozole. i’m so ready to call my doctor and see what she says.