Just a fun story about my valentines gift from my hubby😍


So my husband is very much the man that has no idea what to do until you tell him.

When we were dating he did this thing before Valentine’s Day and my birthday where he’d say, “I was gonna get you flowers tomorrow.” And then won’t get them... it drives me crazy! Cause I never ask for it but when he says it I get so excited!

Anyway, this year I told him I would like some flowers and Lindor truffles so that he did have to figure out what I want😜 so we sit down for dinner and he says, “I know I didn’t get you flowers, but I have a good reason this time. I ordered you something and it just wasn’t here on time. It’s super cool and I think you’re really gonna like it! Do you want me to show you?”

So obviously yes I did. And y’all... he was so excited about this.... he ordered me a brass, matte black coated, $15 mechanical pencil! 🤣 I love him so much. He said since I am going to school and since I do the budget in pencil and write on our calendar in pencil he thought it could be like my only pencil! What in the world possessed this man to think that I would just love a new pencil is beyond me but I will cherish that pencil forever! It’s the first time he’s ever thought enough to get me something I didn’t ask for and I love it♥️