I knew the moment that little soul snuck in... and now it's confirmed!!! | |

I am pregnant! the events surrounding my pregnancy are rather complex, but a new page has turned as I enter a new chapter in my and my family's lives.

I had a question and hoped for I sight. My last pregnancy I was a SAHM and now I work a rather physically demanding job (HEB Healthy Living Specialist; lots of 20-50lb boxes). My last pregnancy was also incredibly hard. It wasn't regular fatigue it was fatigue further induced by HG. My job is part-time (also a college student) and I found out as a part-time employee I would not receive maternity leave. This company trends to hire part-time employees. We don't get vacation. time accrued, getting to our health benefits is difficult needing those 1500 hrs, and I keep seeing more and more ways they use part timers as a way to save money. They will be cutting everyone's hours as they hire on new people. This happened around Christmas and it was infuriating. more and more I see myself wanting to go back to working as a Nanny. I currently have night shifts which means I hardly see my kids awake. I am worried that of my pregnancy gets hard they will find a way to let me go.


The job has incredible benefits (once I get the hours in to receive them (1500 hrs for health insurance, good 401k, inclusion in the stocks at 1yr working), and there