Failed 1 hr glucose test

Tess • Mom to a beautiful girl (2018) and three beautiful boys (2019, 2021, 2023)

Update-- finally got results back on my 3 hour and I passed - phew!! I personally found the 3 hour to be miserable - felt very sick and took a lot of effort to not throw up. But so glad I ended up passing. Good luck to everyone else dealing with this test!


It looks like the normal range cutoff was 139 and I got a 142.

I'm really frustrated - I am 5'6", weighed 120 pre-pregnancy and am now approaching 140 at 26 weeks. I work out at least 3x/week and think I've been eating pretty healthy - salads daily, etc.

This is my first pregnancy and I'm just feeling crappy about this whole thing & like I'm messing things up even though I've been trying to be healthy for baby. Has anyone else been through this? :(