Horrible Valentine’s Day turned amazing!

Yesterday was a MIX of emotions. It was my 4th Valentine’s Day with my bf. Every year we’ve done something special. The night before, he told me his football coach was making everyone go to a basketball game on v day. At 7 pm. Right after practice ended. Like seriously.

He obv has no love life. ANYWAYS, I meet him at his college yesterday & figured I might as well do homework tonight since we won’t be doing anything for v day. My bf was able to sneak out at 7 & asked if I wanted to go to dinner. I said idk because the night before he was telling me we probably should go out to eat on the weekend instead because we won’t have any time & he has a lot of hw due. We both drove home separately & he told me to think about it. We get home & he sees a package on his bed. I had his v day present mailed to him. He opened it & loved it. I started to get upset because he had not gotten me anything because he’s literally been in school & practice all day. He never had time to leave. He told me he would buy me roses & chocolate the next day, but if we want to go eat tonight we had to go now. I was like....aw okay.

We get to the restaurant he wanted to take me to & the wait time was 1 1/2 hours. Not fun. But we were seated within 40 mins outside. I was FREEZING. We had a crappy waitress at first, but once we were moved inside everything was wonderful. We ate & went home. We kept talking about v day & the things we would do (aka sex). But once we got home my bf was OUT OF IT. He had to do hw but he was SO tired from not getting enough sleep from the night before. I even volunteered to do his hw for him while he napped. He finished the rest of his hw & kept talking me up. He finally finished at 1 am & laid on the bed & was drifting off. I was starting to get disappointed. Literally when he was half asleep he tells me “I still need to brush my teeth...maybe that’ll wake me up so we can do it.” I told to get up than. He comes back from brushing his teeth & he’s like a whole new man! He hops on me & we do the deed for a long ass time. We finally knocked out at 2 am.

I was honestly so afraid this morning he would be so tired. But he woke up so rejuvenated & happy as can be lol. I’m not a morning person but my bf sure was. All in all...I had a crappy start on v day, but it ended in the best way.