Repeat c-section vs. VBAC??


So I had my 28week doctors appointment today and I asked her about getting my tubes tied. She looked into my chart and noticed with my last pregnancy I had a c-section so she said normally with a c-section we would just do it right then and there. I stated that I'd really like to try to have a VBAC if possible being that it's been 8 years since my c-section and I know the recovery is much shorter with a vaginal delivery. She then continued on with why it would be easier and better if I just had a elective c-section, like I'd get to choose the date, I wouldn't have to labor then have surgery right aftet for the tubal, and or come back if necessary (if no anesthesiologist is available the date of delivery), recovery from an elective csection is different from a csection after trying to labor all day, etc...Don't get me wrong I'm not against havin a repeat c-section, I'm just torn on what to do because the thought of having a vaginal birth would be great with quicker recovery time but their is also pros and cons to having the c-section too (which by the way is what my husband wants). I know it's ultimately my decision but id like some advice, maybe it'll help me choose easier..