Still no period after not only getting my tubes tied but after getting off of depo

Hey ladies,

I don't know if any you experienced this, but i am.

I got my tubes tied back in October of 2017 due to my choice of not wanting to have children for several reasons. I was on depo provera on and off for 3 years and my last shot was in July (3 months before getting my tubes tied). I'm glad i got off of it because of not only my weight gain, but I was having bad mood swings, very low sex drive, pains in my knees, etc...

Anyway with all that being said, I still have no period yet, but I'm having PMS and it was not fun at all. It's due after being on depo for so long, my hormones are coming back stronger than ever and it's literally kicking my ass. I was experiencing mood swings, feeling tired, sick, cramps so bad I couldn't get up which lasted a day, etc... I thought my very first period would come back but never came. I've been keeping an eye on it but nothing happened yet and I'm sure this is normal.

I know everyone is different, but I want to know if this happened to any of you?

Thank you for your time!