The Struggle Of Wanting a Baby

I am 22 years old. I used the <a href="">Glow app</a> since I think December. My last period was last month January. I was supposed to get my period this month on the 4th. I haven't gotten it. It's about 11 days late. I felt small cramping, but not a lot. I felt like I was going to get my period , but I haven't. So I know sometimes stress, gaining weight, and etc... can cause a missed period. And of it's 2 weeks late or whatever, to test to see of your pregnant. I haven't tested yet. I will to say after work. Lately, me and my boo been talking about wanting or having a baby. but we just don't do it. I'm scared but also excited to have one one day. I just writing this because I want to take it all out. I'm thinking of when is a good time to have a baby. because I don't want to be old and I don't want to disappoint my parents of I have a baby. So I don't know. maybe one day 💖