𝓜𝓻𝓼. 𝓛

Hey lovely ladies!

I just finished Oing on my first round of clomid. I’m pretty sure I ovulated on both sides I had AWFUL pains in both ovaries. Everyday life was painful & sex hurt like a bitch. But totally worth it. Hopefully it’s twins 🤞🏻🤞🏻

Anyways, I read up on clomid before taking it and learned that it can make your cervical mucus hostile so I decided to try and find a way around that possibility. I read stories of women that just used preseed but I used it once before and I didn’t like the smell or the way it made me feel. It got so sticky. When researching alternatives I came a crossed a lubricant called Baby Dance. I loved the name (lol) and the fact that there are absolutely NO parabens. It also has a lovely sent but does not have added fragrance. Instead of parabens to preserve it they use red raspberry leaf and clary sage which are both wonderful for fertility. So we used it every time we BD’d and it was heavenly! It didn’t dry up or get tacky and it didn’t give me that weird lube smell.

I just had to share how much I loved this stuff! I will keep you all updated on whether or not this is our month. I really hope so!