Fear of driving


I'll be 34 in 3 months and I don't have my drivers license because I'm afraid of driving and deathly afraid of failure. I got my permit a year ago but apart from driving around our community, to and from the mailbox or garbage dump, I haven't had much practice. I have 5 children, 3 in school, who would just love to participate in several after school programs but can't, mainly because their father works in another state and if he does overtime, no-one will be here to pick them up. They've missed parties at friends' house because he was working 😔. I wanna drive, I need to drive, as we live in mount Pocono, there's nothing you can just walk to, the nearest grocery store is over 4 miles away. I also keep making excuses every time taking the test comes up. Last one I used was that I don't feel comfortable driving our truck. I claimed I felt I didn't have control and the truck is too big Now my husband has been looking at smaller vehicles, I'm so ashamed 😟. I guess it's time to face my fears and be totally honest. I'm afraid of driving. The cars, the rush, the lights, it all scares me. It's worse when I think about having my kids in the car. All I think about is that it's my job to keep them safe and I can't do that if I'm shaking like a leaf 😔. Another fear I have is of failure. If I fail the test, I'd feel horrible and probably never try again. How do I get past this? It's really putting a strain on my relationship as my husband has to get out of bed after working and driving for hours, to take me to the store. He hardly ever complains but I know and I need to be able to do it myself. Help!!