Weird sleep training


I intended to do the Ferber method, and I guess I still sort of am. ( we just started this after her 6 month appointment and the pediatricians go ahead). But I'm nervous so I'm still going in right away when she cries. I check to make sure she's got her pacifier and rub her tummy for a minute before I walk out and wait 5-10 minutes. It's been 2 days, but it's already helping her fall asleep on her own. I used to have to feed to sleep every time, but now she's going to sleep on her own more then half the time. I'm doing it for naps as well as at night. It's like once she knows I'm there she can settle so much easier, after that she just fusses a little because she's not getting her way, but she's not doing much real crying. If she doesn't settle after 2 or 3 visits in the middle of the night I am feeding her. She's generally a good sleeper so if that doesn't work she's probably hungry. I don't know if it would work for anyone else, but it's working for us so far and I thought I'd share. Our babies are developing seperate anxiety and that makes bedtime difficult