Dating advice

I’m dating this guy at the minute. He’s really talkative and I’m naturally shy person. So when we’re messaging we chat but when I see him I just don’t know what to say. Think maybe it’s bc I’ve got time to think and reply over text.

So I am shy but I do come out of my shell, and I’m able to start and hold conversations. But when with him my mind goes blank and idk what to do. Really don’t understand it bc I like him (so does he) so shouldn’t I be able to talk to him?

I’ve just started to overthink which lead me to crying and idk what to do. Apart of me is like “your better off alone, you can’t even start a fucking conversation with him so end it” yet I know the other part doesn’t want me to be alone bc I get into deep depressive states. Also, I really like him and he’s one of the nicest people I’ve met.

So I’m wondering if anyone else has gotten like this or can help me with what to talk about so I don’t have a pure blank head