I can't believe my husband...

Sharon • Married 10 💘 mother of one beautiful boy 🌈

I seriously can't believe he was right!

We've been TTC for nearly four years. I suffered a chemical in November of last year, which would have been my dad's 70th birthday after he recently passed away in August. Needless to say, that, among other things, made 2017 a very hard year. I KNEW 2018 had to be different but I almost didn't believe it.

In the middle of January my hunny came and squeezed me and said, "I think we did it this month." I rolled my eyes. Whatever, sure. Because I certainly didn't feel any different. AF was due on February 1st. On the 31st I got horribly sick. Fever, cough, congestion, the works. I took a test to prove a point. Lo and behold...

It was so light. I tested two days later and the line was lighter. I thought for sure we were experiencing another chemical. I was devastated. But I tried to stay positive. I thought that maybe with the illness I was dehydrated because my urine was super dark so maybe that's why I got a positive that first time anyways.

It's now been two weeks. All I wanted was that super dark line that I get so excited to see for other people. So I took one of my strips and it was a little darker but not much. I felt discouraged. I happened to find an old (but not expired) FR test under my sink.

That's what I'm talking about! 😅 I finally called my doctor to set up an appointment. We'll go in two weeks! I still haven't told my family. I'm not sure if I want to. I told them right away last time I got a positive... the whole shebang with gifts I had been saving for years, a camcorder, the works. Then I had to tell them I lost the baby a week later. It was awful. I want that support but I'm just so damn nervous. Not sure yet what I'll do. But thank you everyone for being a wonderful support system. You all get me through these long days. 💙