Gods timing!❤️

Breanna • Breanna LaShae Puckett

This post is by far not easy, My husband and I have battled infertility for many and many of month due to PCOS. At some point we almost had begun to think it would never be. January 2018 I began my first round of 50mg clomid with high hopes it would work the first month, but as much as I research things I was pretty well sure it’d take at least a couple cycles. I didn’t test for ovulation this month, I went on cycle day 21 February 8 to have my progesterone checked to see if I had ovulated.. on February 9 I lost my beautiful mother, to say my life turned upside down would be a complete understatement. At that point my thoughts and hopes completely shifted, I now had to mourn the loss of the one women who gave me life and taugh me everything, she was my everything.. and at that second I wasn’t sure if I could go on struggling with infertility, I had lost all hope because I felt I had lost everything.. Feb 13 the day before laying my mom to rest I woke up and felt the urge to take a pregnancy test, I mean after all I had been feeling different but thought I might be because I had been so upset, to much of my surprise POSTIVE! 3 of them, it was something I hadn’t ever seen.. it’s strange how timing works, but theres not a single doubt that my mom had asked god to send this miraculous gift to us,she knew I had been fighting my body for this, and she wanted this so bad for me.. God has blessed us with a miracle a reason to push on.