Baby boy is here!

C 💕

Went to my appointment on Thursday so the doctor could decide wether she wanted to just induce on Monday (37 weeks) or just try to wait longer. My appointment was supposed to be at 3pm on thursday but on Wednesday the office called and said the doctor requested to move the time up to the morning just to be safe. I thought this was a little weird but just went with it.

I’ve had issues with placenta and amniotic fluid so I wasn’t gonna fight them on it. My appointment time was now 8:40. So I get there at 8:40, do the ultrasound and then doc came in and said “alright, let’s have a baby!” I was like ok cool.

Then she just kinda gave me a weird look and I asked “wait, when? Monday, right?”

“Nope, we’re having him today. I called L&D;, a nurse will be over to walk you over and I’ll be by in a bit to induce you. I don’t wanna risk something happening over the next couple days with that fluid so we’re just taking him now.”

So I call my boyfriend and tell him he needs to grab our stuff and come to the hospital, call mom so she can come up.

They broke my water at like 10:50. I finally asked for the epidural at like 5.

When they first admitted me I was 1cm and 70% effaced.

The next time they checked I was 1.5cm and 70% effaced.

They gave me some medicine to help contractions but it started making me have them too often but not yet strong enough so they cut it back.

The next time they checked me it was like 7:45pm and I was “5-6 centimeters and 80% effaced”. My doctor had another patient a couple rooms over that she was delivering real quick and she would check me one more time before she left until I was ready to push. She came back at like 8:15, I was really feeling the pressure and contractions at this point so she checked and I was fully ready. I started actually pushing at 8:30 and at 8:51 little man was here.

The epidural stopped working shortly before I started pushing so I felt everything.

Little man came out with one hand in front of his face, screaming. I immediately started crying, so did my boyfriend. He leaned down and gave me so many kisses and was running the leg he was holding telling me I did a good job. The nurse cleaned him up just a little then handed him over to me while the doctor was working on the placenta.

I lost a lot of blood. I was hemorrhaging. My cervix was way low and the doctor couldn’t stop the bleeding fast enough to see if I was ripped anywhere that needed stitching. After like 30 minutes she’s still trying to stop the bleeding and get everything cleaned up. They took him up to NICU at this point just for the required observation time since he was 36 weeks 3 days. I sent Dad with him to keep an eye on him. As soon as it was just me, the doctor and the nurse in the room I felt horrible. I was suddenly super nauseas, light headed and FREEZING. I was shaking so bad. I asked for a bag because I could just tell I was gonna get sick, sure enough I did. Filled up the entire little bag they gave me.

Then I spiked a fever.

So they gave me antibiotics, pain medicine and iron supplements.

But, it all turned out well because little man is doing great! He’s 6 pounds 3 ounces, born on 2/15/2018 at 8:51pm, 19 inches. I am in love guys.

His father and I couldn’t stop crying and kissing him.

Everyone, meet Parker Nathanial Todd 💕😍