
I’m getting married in August for the 2nd time. The man I’m marrying has also been married before. I have 1 child who will leave for college in the fall. We were planning a little wedding with just a few family and friends. But we went to his nieces wedding a few weekends ago and she had a big elaborate wedding and it was so beautiful. Now I’m starting to have second thoughts and think I may want a big wedding. My 1st wedding was to my high school sweetheart and it was very small. My fiancé got married the first time at the courthouse. I ordered my wedding dress online and I’m even stating to think I really want to go dress shopping and bridesmaid dress shopping. I want flowers and a big reception. I want to celebrate our new beginning. Am I being silly at wanting a big wedding. We are both in our 40s and since this is a 2nd time around we should just stick to small. Below is the dress I ordered and I like it, but I feel like I’m missing out on dress shopping.

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