I’m pissed 😡 Men and their Bachelor Parties

My husband is a groomsman in our friends upcoming wedding and they are planning a Vegas trip.

In the past two years my husband has been to Vegas twice, Ibiza Spain, and New Orleans for Bachelor parties. I’ve never been the crazy girlfriend(now wife) that didn’t let him go. In fact I was all for letting him go have fun and travel with his buddies.

I know for a fact this time around they are purposefully seeking out and going places they expect lots of bachelorette parties to be at so they can find girls to hang with.

In the past I didn’t really care, boys will be boys blah blah blah, but now I’m over it. He’s 32 years old and I’m now 10 weeks pregnant with our first. I don’t understand why the ritual for celebrating marriage is to go act like you’re single in Vegas for an extended weekend. Am I wrong to be pissed ?

To clarify, they also plan on going to strip clubs... that doesn’t bother me half as much as this plan to seek out bachelorette parties. Like wtf? And of course when I confronted my husband about it I got the “babe you’re my world, I love you, stop insinuating that I’d cheat, you’re being hormonal, you should say you’re sorry for accusing me”... completely dismissive that I straight up heard this conversation where the guys were even looking up which hotels bachelorette parties most frequent in Vegas so they can pick the hotel based on that..

I needed to vent, and I’m curious what others think/ would do. Thanks for reading.