Happy six months my baby!


How? 😩 Today makes half a year since I gave birth to my little girl. Jordyn is now 19 pounds & 27 inches long. She can sit up, roll in both directions, say “mama” when she gets upset, and can “inch worm” around! Not much longer and my baby will be crawling all over the place. Her favorite things are still bath time, playing with daddy, cuddling mommy, going to Sunday school, food, and playing with mommy’s hair. I look at her and still see my newborn, it doesn’t feel real that she’s growing so fast. These last six months have taught me more than the 22 years before her ever did. I love her more with every passing minute. My world is infinitely better now that you’re in it, my sweet girl. 💘 I’m so proud of the little human she is. Happy half birthday my baby 🎂

Don’t judge but I let her have a little icing for her 1/2 birthday 🍰

Look at that smile 😍