Finally my turn ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š Itโ€™s a long story.


It all started with an elevated blood pressure reading. My blood pressure was perfect until my 32 week OB check up this triggered concern and I started being seen twice a week and it stayed elevated.I was sent for a non stress test. My LO barely passed so we did another one the following week and the same results so I got an ultrasound at 34 weeks and my little one was measuring to be 30 weeks.

All alarms went up. We decided to give it a week to run test and decided to do another ultrasound to see if or when I would have to be induced.

After all the results came in we decided to do weekly ultrasounds to keep track of LO and see if we could make it to 37 weeks. I got two steroid shots to help mature his longs.

At 35 Weeks 4 day I went in for my weekly ultrasound and there were signs of strain in the flow of his umbilical cord. I was told Iโ€™d be induced that day.

Off to the hospital I went to be induced. We did all test to make sure LO could take the stress of labor including inducing contractions to see how he held up. He did very well!We started the induction at 10 pm with cervidil. Before anything started to kick off my LO started showing signs of stress out of no where. My doctor wasnโ€™t to worried but if it become a problem I would have to have a c section. And hour later my doctor left and I relaxed and started to settle in. A hour later my LO heart rate slowed and I was told if it happened again I would have to have a c section. I agreed and we continued on with the induction. I get my epidural in (just the line no meds) just in case things took a turn for the worse an I had to have a c section we would have it in and ready to go. And hour later my doctor came in with a full staff and told me he was concerned with my LOโ€™s activity and advised we took him out immediately. I didnโ€™t object and off to the OR we went.

Boy was that the right choice.

My LO was born 2/16/18 1:55 3lbs 3oz

35 weeks 4days has

So in love with this little boy ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜