
On February 15th, I came into the hospital to be induced at 6 pm. The nurses only hooked me up to be monitored and got the main questions out of the way. They didn't even have me hooked to an I've until about 10 pm which is when they started cirvadil. (which stays in for 12 hours) I was dilated to a 1 before they started it and ended up with a tight 2 when they took it out the next morning. They wanted me to take a shower and eat before they start Pitocin at 11:15 am. That really got me started. After an hour and a half I was at a 3 and another hour and a half I was a a good 4. They gave me epidural between 3-4 cm dilated. They let me use a peanut ball to help keep the legs open and speed the process up. Apparently I didn't feel the need to push. I only had a little pressure around 7pm. When they checked me again, I was at a +2 and ready to go. I was doing some practice pushing for 45 minutes and they pulled the Dr in. While he was making sure they had everything ready for me and baby, I was starting to crown. I was totally ready to get this baby out. I wasn't feeling any type of pain whatsoever. Took me quite some time to figure out how to push correctly since I am a FTM. Once I figured it out, everything went so fast. Went from getting his head between my bones to crowning real quick. Then 2 more pushes and he was out. I ended up tearing from my vagina to my anus because he came out real quick. Dr was trying to cut so I wouldn't tear as bad but I went too fast fo him. When they put him on my chest, I started to cry. He's so handsome. 😍 Everyone meet Aiden James❤ born 2-16-18 at 8:53 pm and weighing 7 lbs 13 oz and is 21 inches long.

He's already doing so great. He's pretty content 😍