Moving forward


January 22nd my life changed and I didn’t even realize it. I got into a really bad car accident I was 5 months pregnant with my sweet baby boy. I went to the emergency room where they did an ultrasound and everything came back good, my baby had a heartbeat and was moving. I had an appointment already scheduled for the next day and the same thing he was moving and he had a heartbeat but his heartbeat in my opinion was low but I was told that was normal. Here I am thinking everything is good with my little peanut (his nickname) but I go for my regular appointment the follow week to find no heartbeat and no movement. My heart broke into a million pieces. I had to have a normal delivery and I had to bury my baby. Something I didn’t think I would ever have to do all because someone wasn’t paying attention while driving and slammed into me. So here I am almost a month later trying to convince my husband that I’m ready to try again. I keep telling myself I’m ready but it’s because I’m ready to be a mom I’m ready to have that feeling back inside me. Is that normal to want that so soon after a miscarriage?