To my boyfriend:

I have wanted to be with you for so long. Before we started dating we were friends for 7 years. The day we actually got together I was so excited. The day we moved in together I couldn’t control my happiness.

All this changed when you cheated on me. We ended up having a long talk and we decided to stay together. Was it the correct choice? I’m still not sure of it. You deleted the app in which you had her nudes and messages. I only found out today that they are stored on a cloud and you can reach them whenever you want. Should I confront you, or should I let it slide as it seems you haven’t been on it. Am I being paranoid?

Oh how I wish I could read your mind. How I wish I knew everything you were hiding. How I wish you knew how much you are hurting me.

I love you too much to see you go.