My two very different induction stories!

I thought Id share my two induction stories for Mamas out there who are worried about induction or facing one themselves. My girls are now 2 and 3 years old but I thought Id share anyway! So with my first induction I was 41 weeks exactly and being induced due to post dates and a large baby. I went to the hospital multiple times in the week leading up to the actual induction and was repeatedly sent home because they had run out of beds. I had Cervidil gel inserted 2 days before I was actually induced and it was used to try and soften my not so favourable cervix. It didnt hurt upon insertion but it gave me very bad contractions for 24 hours until it was removed but those contractions didnt dilate me past a 1. I went in and had my waters broken and was hooked up to pitocin. My contractions began about 10 minutes later. Fast and strong contractions and they were sooo painful.

Half an hour later I was checked and was 3cm.. i thought omg its gonna take forever. I bounced on a big gym ball and had gas and air (recommend) and a pethidine shot (not recommend) it made me feel very drunk nd spaced out.

I asked for the epidural soon after and the guy hit a nerve and i jumped off the bed with a needle in my back. My husband ended up almost fainting when he saw it and was on the floor drinking water 😅😂... I got up and announced that i had to wee... no... i had to fart... omg no i had to poo! And my husband was like

I sat on the toilet and started to push and blood ran down my legs. My husband alerted the midwife who immediately grabbed me and the both of them got me onto the bed and i began pushing. Her head came out fine but then her shoulders were stuck. They rang all these alarms i had drs everywhere her heart rate was dropping they got a thing and attached it to her head and threatened me with an episiotomy..i remember saying "cut me then i dont fucking care shes stuck!" and then 25 minutes of rotating and hearing them discussing having to break her collar bone she was born after 3 hour labour which felt like 12 hours easy. I had some perianal tears but nothing that required stitches. She was stunned and born with her eyes open but not crying. It was awful and scary but i think her being 10lb 7oz contributed to why it was so scary. They think the reason my body didnt go into labour was cause she was too big. This is her now - Evie Lee

My second induction was 11 months later! Very much similar in regards to a non ripe cervix and being closed and not dilating. I went for the cervidil gel again and this time, it worked a treat. I had the gel inserted at 2pm, it hurt like HELL. I cried and cried.. but i think they stretched my membranes as well and i think it contributed as to why my body went into labour soon after. At 6pm i started feeling these weird not so painful contractions in my back. The drs encouraged me to go home and rest but my husband wanted me to stay 'just in case ' they hesitantly agreed and put me in the medical ward as there was no beds in delivery. My "back pains" were in fact contractions but omg they were not really that bad at all! My hubby went home at 10pm and i asked for an endone to take the edge off the back pain so i could sleep. Everyone told me cause she was posterior she was on a nerve or something. I slept and woke up at 4am and rolled onto my back and felt the urge to push. I rang my husband who jumped in the car and made the 30 minute drive to the hospital. I rang the buzzers and the nurses werent beliving me because i was able to talk through the pains. I asked what would happen if baby was born in medical ward and they said that they have emergency delivery kits on every ward. I remember saying "youll need it Tonight " i began to push and her head came out and they then took me seriously and rushed me to delivery suite. A dr ripped my undies off and i said "i cant have the baby yet my husband ismt here" and they looked at me like.

. and said honey he aint gonna make it. 3 pushes later Leah Ellen was born weighing 9lb 12oz no stitches no issues at all. I cut her cord and was about to have a shower when hubby turned up feeling SO HORRIBLE he had missed the birth. I had 2 very different inductions and just wanted to share my story with you guys so you have more of an idea on what to expect xx its not that bad at all although im now 30 weeks and getting induced at 39 weeks and hoping i wont need the pitocin. oh and her3 is leah now
