Nervous and scared *update*

Caitlyn • Mommy to baby boy Oct 2018 💙

Long story short I had an ectopic Jan 11 th with removal of my left tube. I was positive i ovulated either Jan 31 or Feb 1st but never caught a positive opk. So this week I took an opk and it was positive and was like yay I am ovulating. But it didn't reep like ovulation it felt like my period. And I've been dizzy and super tired and very bloated. Nothing made sense so I was joking to dh and said I am going to take an hcg but it will be negative and this came up as a strong blazer. Also to note i had taken the same hcg before we started trying and it was negative ( 2 weeks after surgery)

*UPDATE* had my ultrasound yesterday at 4.6 they confirmed it is indeed an intrauterine pregnancy and to go back in 2 weeks unless I have any pains in my stomach or back or bleeding. My hcg yesterday was 4070 and going tomorrow for follow up blood work