Workout Hunger advice


So I am a pretty avid runner and I workout 5-6 days a weeks (4 runs and at least 2 lifting days). Over the past 2 months I have been trying to nail down a better routine and my weight has been fluctuating A LOT.

I was around 145 from Christmas into New Years then went up to 155lbs while running 15 miles/week and not lifting. I try to eat a more protein focused diet to keep the hangry at bay but it is very hard to do in college with 15 meals/week. I almost always eat salad/ veggies with protein and occasionally eat dessert as I feel better when I eat more healthfully. My weakness is breakfast and all the waffles and French toast- despite the fact that I try to eat hard boiled eggs/ yogurt. It doesn’t help that I workout before I eat breakfast so most of my self control is muted by the post workout hunger.

Also, strangely enough I eat lunch/dinner from 4-6p and chill in the dining hall to give myself an opportunity to eat slowly. Then I will go back to studying until 10p when I go back to my dorm and go to bed. Although recently I have been a starving animal and have to eat something before going to sleep or I wake up hungry in the morning/ middle of the night.

I felt more confident and badass when I was at 145 because I was a little bit faster and my abs were a bunch more toned. While at 155 I’m still doing well and by no means look atrocious, the 10 lbs does make a difference.

How do I make it to 145 and stay there? Why does my weight fluctuate so much? How can I control my hunger better? Is there anything I am missing?