
Me and my husband were ttc for 3 years and finally got pregnant in May!! I was due February 14th, my doctor didn't think she would come on her own cause my cervix was so high up and I was only dialated to a one so we had an induction date for Wednesday, but she stripped my membranes on the 15th, then I lost mucus plug on the 16th, then on the 17th at 11 a.m. my water broke! (I woke up to it breaking) we came to the hospital and I dialed to a 10 and got the epidural but it wore off amd shut off right when they started to have me push.. so I felt everything! Lol that was the most painful thing I've ever experienced.. but this morning at 2:46 I delivered a baby girl weighing 6.15 and 19 inches long. she's our blessing ❤❤ Addilyn Mae Holmes