Birth Control


Anyone thinking about birth control after having your baby this spring??

I’m seriously thinking of nexplanon or just get my tubes tied.

I have ppd since May 2017, 2-3 months after having my son. Currently taking Prozac and 28 weeks pregnant. My history use of Nexplanon is not good at all mentally. It worked, never got a period, but I did get severe depression. Didn’t really notice how bad it was until I got it removed!

My son is Due May 12th and he will be my 4th child. I know I’ll be done for at least 4-5 years, of not for good. We have two girls and one son, due with our second son.

I’m scared to go back into a more deep depression and not wanting to deal with life again.

Had a sleepy discussion with my hubby. Physically, I am done having babies. Mentally, I can deal with not having more then thinking about worsening depression and anxiety.

Ok, I’ll be getting my tubes tied lol. 3 kids 3 and under will be way too crazy to want more!!